The Enclosure Awards for Haselor Parish 1767 |
Warwickshire |
Map of the farms in 1767 |
The Enclosure Awards for Haselor Parish 1767 |
The Award Orders Rules Regulations and Determinations of the commissioners for putting in Execution an Act of Parliament made in the sixth year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the Third intitled an Act for dividing and inclosing the Open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds of and in the Manor of Haselor and Walcot and of and in the Manor of Upton Haselor in the Parish of Haselor in the County of Warwick~ Whereas it is in and by the said Act of Parliament recited that there are lying and being within the said Parish of Haselor in the County of Warwick and in the Townships Villages Hamlets of Walcot and Upton Haselor comprized within the Manor of Haselor several large open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds generally denominated Haselor Walcot and Upton Haselor Common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds which are computed to consist of Forty three Yard Lands and to contain together Fourteen Hundred Acres or thereabouts and that the Right Honourable Francis Earl Brooke of Warwick Castle and Earl of Warwick is Lord of the said Manors of Haselor and Walcot and is seized of or intitled unto divers Lands Hereditaments in the said Parish of Haselor and is also intitled to part of the Great and small Tythes arising within the said Parish of Haselor or to some Modus or Composition in lieu thereof and also to Thirteen Yard Lands and a half a Yard Land lying dispersed in the open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds within the said Parish and that Sir Robert Throckmorton of Great Coughton in the said County of Warwick Baronet is Lord of the Manor of Upton Haselor aforesaid and is also seized of or intitled to one small parcel of Land in the said Common Fields and also to one Water Corn Mill and Right of Common thereto belonging in the said Common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds within the said Parish and that the Kings most Excellent Majesty in right of his Crown of Great Britain is seized of the perpetual Advowson Right of Patronage and presentation of and in the Parish Church or Chapel of Haselor aforesaid and that the Reverend Stephen Nason Clerk is Chaplain or Curate of the Church or Chapel of Haselor aforesaid and in right of his Chaplinship or Curacy is intitled to one House and one piece or parcel of Old Inclosed Land and is also intitled to the Sum of Six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and four pence as and for a Modus or Composition annually due and payable to the said Curate or Chaplain and his Successors for ever from several parcels of Land lying in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds of and in the said Parish of Haselor part of the Ten Yard Lands hereinafter mentioned to be belonging to John Haynes Gentleman and that the said John Haynes is seized of intitled to Ten yard Lands and is also intitled to part of the Great and small Tythes and John Lane William Spires John Gibbs Brook Woodcock Elisabeth Haynes Sarah Heming and divers other persons are the Owners and proprietors or are possessed of all the remainder of the Great and small Tythes of Right due and Yearly arising and renewing within the said Parish of Haselor or else to some Modus or Composition in lieu thereof And Whereas it is in and by the said Act and also recited that the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick Sir Robert Throckmorton Baronet John Haynes John Lane John Heming Brook Woodcock Richard Harris John Gibbs Elisabeth Haynes Sarah Heming and divers other persons are the Owners and proprietors or are possessed of all the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying in the said Parish or Townships of Haselor Walcot and Upton Haselor several of which proprietors Leases for Lives or Years determinable upon Lives under the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and the said several owners and proprietors in respect of their several Lands are intitled to and so enjoy Common of Pasture for their Cattle in over and upon all the said Common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds at stated times in the year by a determinate stint and in certain proportion And Whereas by Virtue of and under certain leases granted by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick or some or one of his Ancestors John Huband of Abbotts Morton in the County of Worcester yeoman John Lane of Walcot aforesaid and John Heming of the said Parish of Haselor yeoman were Lessees for Lives or for years determinable upon Lives of several Messuages therein mentioned and also of several Lands and Right of Common therein mentioned also of One Yard Land and half a Yard Land with the Common Rights and Appurtenances thereunto belonging then in the possession of the said John Huband and also of One Yard Land and half a Yard Land with the Common Rights and Appurtenances thereunto belonging then in the possession of the said John Lane and also of One Yard Land and half a Yard Land with the Common Rights and Appurtenances thereunto belonging then in the possession of the said John Heming And the Said John Huband John Lane and John Heming having agreed to surrender and give up their respective Leases unto the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick to the intent that the said Lands and Rights of Common therein respectively comprized or other Lands in Lieu thereof might be set out and allotted unto and for the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and his heirs in manner and subject to the several payments in the said Act mentioned And that the said Commissioners or any three of them are thereby Authorized and required to set out and Allot either the Premises Comprized in the said three several Leases respectively or any part or parts thereof or any other Lands in Lieu thereof or any part thereof unto and for the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick his Heirs and Assigns in part of the Allottment or Allottments thereby directed to be made to him by virtue of the said in part recited Act for or in respect of the said Lands or Grounds and Right Of Common which the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick was seized of or intitled to in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds so intended to be inclosed as aforesaid and that immediately upon such Allottment being made and such Award or Instrument being executed as therein is mentioned or so soon thereafter as the said Commissioners or any three of them should Award the said several and respective Lease and Leases and the respective Estates and Interests of the said John Huband John Lane and John Heming in the premises therein respectively comprized which should be then subsisting and to come therein should cease determine and be utterly void and in Consideration thereof and in bar of and full Satisfaction and Compensation for such their respective Estates and Interests as aforesaid the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick his Heirs and Assigns should Annually pay to the said John Huband John Lane and John Heming or their Assigns during their several and respective Lives the several and respective Sums in the said Act mentioned reference being thereunto had may more fully and at large appear And Whereas since the passing of the Act of Parliament by three several Deeds or Instruments in Writing bearing date respectively on or about the Fourth Day of December last for the Consideration therein respectively mentioned the said John Huband John Lane and John Heming Did absolutely Grant bargain sell assign surrender and yield up unto the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick his Heirs and Assigns for ever their several and respective Leases herein and in the said Act of Parliament mentioned to be by them held respectively of the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick for Lives or Years determinable upon Lives as in and by the said in part recited Deeds reference being thereunto had may more fully and at Large appear And Whereas it is in and by the said Act of Parliament enacted that all and every the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Parish of Haselor should be divided set out and allotted by Edward Gibbs of Stratford upon Avon in the County of Warwick Esquire Richard Taylor of the Borough of Warwick Gentleman John Whateley of Wootton Park in the Parish of Wootton Wawen in the County of Warwick Gentleman Lewis Bradley of Henley in Arden in the said Parish of Wootton Wawen Gentleman and Joseph Crump of Evesham in the County of Worcester Gentleman Commissioners appointed in and by the said Act and their Successors in the manner and subject to the Rules orders and directions in and by the said Act ordered established appointed and prescribed And it is thereby further enacted that a true and perfect survey and Admeasurement should be made of all and every the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds within the said Parish of Haselor so directed and intended to be inclosed as aforesaid and that such Survey and Admeasurement should be reduced into Writing and the Number of Acres Roods and Perches belonging to each proprietor at the time of such Survey should be therein set forth and specified and that the said Survey should be laid before the Commissioners or any three of them at all or such of their Meeting to be had in pursuance of the said Act as they should think necessary and if required by them should be verified upon the Oath or Oaths of the person or persons making the same and their respective assistants which Oath or Oaths the said Commissioners or any three of them were thereby impowered to Administer And it is thereby further enacted that the said Commissioners or any three of them should have full power and Authority and they are thereby Authorized and required at any time or times after the said Survey should be made and laid before them as aforesaid before the first Day of December in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Six or as soon thereafter as conveniently might be divide set out ascertain Assign Award Allot and appoint all and every the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds intended to be inclosed as aforesaid unto and amongst the several Persons intitled to and interested in the same and in proportion to their several and respective shares Interests Rights of Common Tythes and other properties in and over the same and as much as might be for their mutual convenience subject nevertheless to the Rules orders and directions therein contained concerning the same And it is thereby further enacted that the said Commissioners or any three of them should in the first place set out ascertain and Assign unto and for the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick John Haynes John Lane William Spires John Gibbs Brook Woodcock Elisabeth Haynes Sarah Heming and others entitled to the said Great and small Tythes or any Modus or composition for the same respectively Yearly arising or renewing within the said parish of Haselor and to their several and respective heirs and assigns in such distinct and seperate plots and parcels of Land and Ground within and being part of the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds so intended to be inclosed as aforesaid ( the Roads therein and hereinafter directed to be made being first taken out and the Ground therein also directed to be set out for Stone Gravel and Marle pits being first deducted ) as in the Judgment of the said Commissioners or any three of them Quantity and Quality considered should be equal in Value to one Seventh part thereof and that then said Commissioners or any three of them should divide and Allot the said Seventh part unto and amonst the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick John Haynes John Lane William Spires John Gibbs Brook Woodcock Elisabeth Haynes Sarah Heming and others so entitled to the said Great and small Tythes or any Modus or composition for the same respectively and their several and respected Heirs in such shares and proportions as the said Commissioners or any three of them should adjudge and determine to be an Equivalent Compensation for their several and respected Rights and shares therein and that the same should be in Lieu and full satisfaction of all such Tythes Modus's or Compositions as aforesaid over and above and exclusive of the Allottments to be made to them respectively in lieu of their several and respective Lands and Rights of Common as therein is mentioned And it is also in and by the said Act mentioned that there are certain pieces of Old Inclosures Messuages Orchards or Gardens within the said Parish of Haselor out of which the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick John Haynes John Lane William Spires John Gibbs Brook Woodcock Elisabeth Haynes Sarah Heming and others have a right of Tythe or some Modus's or Composition in Lieu thereof and that the said Commissioners or any three of them should and might Assign and Allot unto the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick John Haynes John Lane William Spires John Gibbs Brook Woodcock Elisabeth Haynes Sarah Heming and others and respected Heirs and Assigns out of such plots and parcels of Land which should in pursuance of the said Act to be Allotted to such Proprietors of the said Old Inclosures Messuages Orchards or Gardens chargeable with Tythe as aforesaid so much and such part and parts of the said Lands and Grounds as in the Judgment of the said Commissioners or any three of them should be deemed an Equivalent or Compensation for such last mentioned Tythes or any Modus or Composition payable for the same And it is thereby further enacted that the said Commissioners or any three of them should have full power and Authority to set out altogether one entire portion or parcel of the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds for and in lieu of the several parcels of Land which are therein mentioned to be chargeable with the payment of the said Sum of Six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four Pence and Allot such entire portion or parcel of Land unto the said John Haynes in part of his share of the Lands to be allotted to him by virtue of the said Act which said entire portion or parcel of Land is therein directed to be of the full yearly value with the several parcels of Land charged with the said Sum of Six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four Pence and should for ever after such Allottment made as aforesaid be charged and chargeable with the said yearly sum and that the same should be paid to the said Stephen Nason and his Successors by half yearly payments in such manner and at such times as the said Commissioners or any three of them should in that behalf award And it is hereby further enacted that all and every person and persons to whom any share and Allottment should be Assigned as therein is mentioned that they should Inclose Hedge Ditch and Fence the same within such time as the said Commissioners or any three of them should direct and appoint and that all such Hedges Ditches Gates Stiles Drains and Fences so to be made for the dividing and Inclosing such shares and Allottments respectively as aforesaid should be made and for ever thereafter maintained and kept up by such person and persons and in such manner as the said Commissioners or any three of them should direct And it is thereby further enacted that the said Commissioners or any three of them should set out and appoint Publick and Private Roads or Ways through the new Inclosures and Allottments to be made as aforesaid and the assizes and Breaths thereof so that all such Publick Roads or Highways should be and remain Sixty Feet Broad at the least between the Ditches ( Except Bridle Roads and Foot Ways ) in Case any such should be set out by the said Commissioners And that the Soil of the Publick Roads so to be set out as aforesaid should be vested in the Lords of the said Manors in lieu of the Soil of the Old Roads that shall be discontinued to be used as such And that after such intended Division and Inclosure should be made as aforesaid all the grass and Herbage growing and renewing on the said Roads and Ways so to be set out and appointed as aforesaid should belong to such of the said proprietors to whom the said Commissioners or any three of them should Allot the same Exclusive of all other persons whatsoever And the said Commissioners or any three of them are thereby empowered to direct or alter the Course of any Springs Streams or Currents of Water within any part of the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds so intended be Inclosed as aforesaid and to direct order and award all or any of the said Springs Streams or Currents of Water to be Carried and Conveyed in such Courses and through such Lands and Grounds parcels of the Lands thereby intended to be inclosed as they in their discretion should think proper And it is thereby further enacted that it should and might be lawfull to and for the said Commissioners or any three of them ( if they should think it necessary and proper ) to ascertain and leave unallotted any parcel or parcels of Land and Ground part of the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds so intended be Inclosed as aforesaid not exceeding in the whole the Quantity of three acres as and for Publick Stone Gravel or Marle pit or pits and that the same should be Fenced in and the Fences thereof kept in repair as the said Commissioners or any three of them should direct or appoint And it is thereby further enacted that as soon as conveniently might be after the said Commissioners should compleated and finished their partitions and Allottments of the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds thereby directed to be divided and inclosed as aforesaid pursuant to the purport and directions of the said Act they or their successors or any three of them should Form and draw up or cause to be formed or drawn up an Award or Instrument thereof in Writing which should express and contain the quantity in Statue Measure of Acres Roods and Perches contained in the said Lands Grounds and Premisses intended to be inclosed as aforesaid and the quantity of each and every part and parcel thereof which should Assigned and Allotted to each of the persons intitled to and interest in the same and a discription of the situation Buttalls and Boundaries of the same parcels and Allottments respectively and proper orders and directions for the Fencing and mounding the same and keeping the said mounds and Fences in Repair and also for making and laying out proper Roads Ways and Passages in over and through the same premises and should also Express and contain such other orders Regulations and determinations as should be proper and necessary to be inserted therein conformable to the Tenor and purport of the said Act which said Instrument should be fairly Ingrossed or Written on parchment and Signed and Sealed as aforesaid be Inrolled either with the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Warwick or in one of his Majestys Courts of Record at Westminister to the end Recourse might be had to the same by any person or persons interested in the said intended Inclosure and the several Partitions Divisions and Allottments so to be made by the said Commissioners or any three of them in and by the said Award or Instrument should be and are thereby declared to be binding and conclusive unto and upon all and every the Parties Interested therein and intitled to the Lands and Grounds and Premises intended to be divided and Inclosed as aforesaid And Whereas it is in and by the said in part recited Act further enacted for the more convenient laying out Disposition of the several open Commons common Fields common Meadows and Grounds within the said Parish of Haselor upon making the said intended Division that it should and might be Lawfull to and for any of the Proprietors of the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and Grounds to be divided and Inclosed as aforesaid to exchange all or any of his her or their Messuages Tenements Ancient Inclosures or other Lands or Grounds within the said Parish for any other Messuages Tenements Ancient Inclosures or other Lands or Grounds within the said Parish so as all and every such Exchange and Exchanges be made within the Consent and Approbation of the said Commissioners or any three of them and be Ascertained and Specified in the Award or Instrument thereby directed to be made and Inrolled by virtue of the said in part recited Act due reference being thereunto had may more fully and at large appear And Whereas We the said Commissioners in the said Act named before We Acted in the Execution of the Powers thereby given did respectively take and subscribe the Oath of the said Act mentioned divers Meetings have been held by us the said Commissioners in order to put the Act in Execution due Notice of which said Meetings ( Except Meetings by adjournment ) have been publicly given in the Parish Church or Chapel of Haselor aforesaid or have been affixed upon the said Church or Chapel Door of the time and place of every such Meeting as the said Act directs and We the said Commissioners have caused a true exact and perfect Survey and admeasurement of the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds within the said Parish of Haselor so directed and intended to be inclosed as aforesaid which said Survey is reduced into Writing and the number of Acres Roods and Perches belonging to each Proprietor therein set forth and Specified pursuant to the directions of the said Act and the said Survey have been duly laid before us the said Commissioners who have fully considered the same and Approved thereof And We having also carefully viewed and Examined the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds and the Quantities and Qualities of the respective Lands and Grounds belonging to the several Proprietors and owners thereof and having made a just and impartial Estimate of the value of the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds and of the respective properties of the said several parties concerned and Interested therein And We the said Commissioners having also carefully and deliberately Examined and considered the several Allegations made before us and on the part and behalf of all the parties interested in the said intended Inclosure and having duly informed ourselves of the Rights and Claims of the several proprietors and all and singular matters and things relating to the Inclosing and to the several Exchanges of Land made by virtue of the said Act and necessary and proper to be considered in relation thereunto and having settled ordered adjusted and determined the same and having also duly settled and determined all other matters and things relating to the said intended Inclosure and Exchange and to the division and Allottment of the said Tythes Lands and Grounds according to the purport and true meaning of the said Act of Parliament Now these Presents Witness that We the said Commissioners ( by virtue and in pursuance of the said in part recited Act of Parliament and of the several Powers and Authorities thereby to us given ) have Awarded ordered Allotted set out assigned and appointed and by these presents Do Award Order Allot set out Assign and Appoint All and singular the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds called Haselor Walcot and Upton Haselor Common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds in the Parish of Haselor aforesaid and hereinafter particular mentioned and described to the several Persons hereinafter named in such shares and proportions manner and form and subject to such rules orders and Regulations as are hereinafter mentioned expressed and declared of and concerning the same ( that is to say ) To the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Two Acres Two Roods and Thirty Seven Perches lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in a certain Field called Between Towns Field and bounded on the North East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Heming on part of the North by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Gibbs on the South East and South West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out Appointed to and for the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick in lieu of and full Compensation for his Great and small Tythes Modus's or Compositions whatsoever issuing or arising or due or payable to him out of One Yard Land lately purchased by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick of and from James Kettle of the Borough of Warwick in the County of Warwick Clerk Also to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Twenty Two Acres Two Roods and Fifteen Perches lying and being together in the said Field called Between Towns Field bounded on part of the North East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on other part of the North East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Heming on part of the South East by Old Inclosed Lands and an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Heming on the other part of the south East by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the South West by the Church Yard of the Parish Church or Chapel of Haselor aforesaid on part of the North West on the other part of the South West and on the other part of the South East by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on the other part of the North West on the other part of the South West and on the South by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick in the Manor of Upton Haselor on part of the West and on the North by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and on the East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock and the said John Gibbs and on the other part of the East by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick Also to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Two Hundred and Two Acres and Seventeen Perches lying and being together in certain Fields called Thoroughters Watergall and Micknill Fields Bounded on part of the South West by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on the other part of the South West on part of the North West and on part of the North East by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said Elizabeth Haynes on the other part of the North East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes on the other part of the North East and on the other part of the North West by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to Mary Hollis otherwise Melley on part of the North on the other part of North West on the other part of the North and on the other part of the North East by the said Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Elisabeth Haynes on part of the East and on other part of the North by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane on other part of the North East by Old Inclosed Lands in the Parish of Billesley on the other part of the East on the South, South East on other part of North and North East by a Wood called Withecomb Wood on the other part of the East on the other part of the South East on the South and on the South West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Heming and Robert Bradshaw Also to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways One Rood and Twelve Perches lying and being together in certain Lane heretofore called Carpenters Lane bounded on the North West by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and on the South East by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said John Heming Also to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land called Cam Meadow as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Four Acres Two Rood and Thirty two Perches bounded on the South West by a certain Meadow called Rigdale Meadow belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on the South East by a certain Meadow called Spearches Meadow hereinafter Allotted to the said John Heming on the North East by a Publick Road or Highway leading from Stratford upon Avon in the County of Warwick to a certain place called Great Alne Ford in the said County on the North and on the North West by a brook called Small Brook otherwise Alne Brook Also to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways One Hundred and Thirty Three Acres Two Roods and Twenty nine Perches lying and being together in certain places called Haselor and Walcot Hills Barlichway Bush Leys otherwise Barlichway Slade bounded on part of the West on part of the South and on the other part of the West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to John Haynes on the other part of the South on part of the South West on the other part of the South on part of the South East and on other part of the South all along by Lands in the Lordship of Grafton to a certain Lane at Barlichway Bush and from the said Lane on part of the North East on other part of the South East and on part of the East by Lands in the Lordship of Binton to the South East Corner of a Wood called Masters Wood on part of the North on the other part of the East on the other part of the North on the other part of the East on the other part of the South East on other part of the South by the said Wood called Masters Wood on other part of the East to an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the Duke of Dorset on other part of the North by the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid on other part of the South West on part of the North West and on other part of the North East by a certain Wood called Hemings Wood otherwise West Grove belonging to the Right Honourable the Earl Salisbury on the other part of the North East and on the other part of the East by a Wood belonging to the said William Spires on other part of the North West by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said William Spires All which said Five last mentioned Allottments pieces or parcels of Land are by us Allotted set out and appointed to and for the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick in Lieu of and full Compensation for Eight Yard Land Right of Common or common of Pasture and also in lieu of a certain piece or parcel of Land taken by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick of the said John Lane in Exchange for One Messuage or Dwelling House and Orchard with the Appurtenances in Walcot in the Tenure or Occupation of Francis Cook Widow and also in lieu of a certain piece or parcel of Land taken by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick of the said William Spires in Exchange for a certain Inclosed Ground called Mitch Croft and also in Lieu of a certain piece or parcel of Land taken by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick of the said Elizabeth Haynes in Exchange for a certain piece or parcel of Land of equal value as hereinafter is more particularly mentioned and also of all other Rights and Properties belonging to him the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick in the open Commons common Fields common Meadows and other Commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said several Allottments by us Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Two first Allottments to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on that part of the North and East lying between the Allottments hereinafter Allotted to the said John Heming and John Gibbs on other part of the East by the said Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Gibbs on other part of the North and on the West by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part or the South West on the South and on other part of the North West by a certain Meadow called Pillham Meadow hereinafter Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and the owners and proprietors of the said two first described Allottments for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Third Allottment to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on that part of the North East adjoining to Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Elisabeth Haynes on other part of the North East and on the North West by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Mary Hollis otherwise Melley on part of the North on the other part of North West on the other part of the North and on the other part of the North East from the East Corner of the said Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Mary Hollis otherwise Melley to a Gate at the North West Corner of a Furlong called Hool-hunt Furlong on part of the East on the South East and on other part of the South West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Heming along to the South West Corner of a Furlong called Lipper Pit Furlong on other part South West from a Gate at the South East Corner of a Furlong called Dingle Furlong by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Heming and the said Robert Bradshaw to the South West Corner of the said Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Mary Hollis otherwise Melley shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and the owners and proprietors of the said third described Allottment for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Fourth Allottment to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on both Ends thereof shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and the owners and proprietors of the said Fourth described Allottment for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Fifth Allottment to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on all parts and sides of the said Meadow called Cam Meadow shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and the owners and proprietors of the said Fifth described Allottment for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Sixth Allottment to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick from the South West Corner of a certain place or piece of Land called Upper Banstey hereinafter Allotted to William Spires on part of the West on part of the South and on the other part of the West by the Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Haynes on the other part of the South on the South West on other part of the South on the South East and on other part of the South all along by the Lordship of Grafton to the Lane at the said Bush called Barlichway Bush except such parts of the said Fences as have been usually made and kept in repair by the Owners and Occupiers of Lands in the said Lordship of Grafton on the East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Duke of Dorset and on the North by the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and the owners and proprietors of the said Sixth described Allottment for the time being Also to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways One Hundred and Seventy Five Acres Two Roods and Twenty seven Perches lying and being together within the Manor of Upton Haselor in certain Fields or places called Broadway Field the Lench Pillham Meadow the Cow Pasture the Heaths Honey Meadow part of Hobfurze part of Little Ham Meadow and Atcham Meadow bounded on the South or South East by the Publick Road or Highway leading from Walcot to Alcester aforesaid to the South East Corner of an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to Nathaniel Quinton and on part of the West and South by the said Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Nathaniel Quinton on other part of the West and South by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to Hoo Mill on the South West on other part of the West and on part of the North by the said Brook called Small Brook otherwise Alne Brook on part of the North East and on the North West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to John Haynes on other part of the North East and on other part of the North by the Allottments hereinafter Allotted to Thomas Cooper and William Phillips Samuel Tidmash Sarah Heming and Richard Harris on part of the West by the said Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Richard Harris on the other part of the North East on other part of the North and on the South East by the Second Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the East by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the South by Old Inclosures belonging to the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips on other part of the West by the Road leading from Upton Haselor to Alne Ford aforesaid and on part of the North West by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to William Dark which said last mentioned Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick in Lieu of and in full Compensation for his Five Yard Land and also in Lieu of Half a Yard Land in the Common Fields of Upton Haselor taken by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick of the said Elizabeth Haynes in Exchange for half a Yard Land in the Common Fields of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid and also in lieu of a certain piece or parcel of Land taken by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick of Sir Robert Throckmorton in Exchange for a certain piece or parcel of Land called Lady Croft as hereinafter is more particularly mentioned and also in lieu of all Rights of Common or common of Pasture and all other Rights and properties belonging to him in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Upton Haselor intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said last mentioned Allottment by us Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said last Allottment to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick from the Road leading from Upton Haselor aforesaid to Alne Ford aforesaid on the South or South East by the Road leading from Walcot aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid to the South East Corner of an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Nathaniel Quinton on part of the West and part of the South by the said Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Nathaniel Quinton on other small part of the West by the said Road leading from Upton Haselor aforesaid to Alne Ford aforesaid and on the South East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to William Dark shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being To the said William Spires All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Nine Acres Two Roods and Nineteen Perches lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in Colley Croft Upper Dinge and Grey Wheatlands within a Field called Oathill Field bounded on the North West by a Garden belonging to a certain House called Dennis's House and Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said William Spires on part of the North East on part of the East and on other part of the North East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Gibbs on part of the South West and on other part of the South East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said William Spires on other part of the South West on the North West and on the West by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Haynes which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said William Spires in Lieu of and full Compensation for his Great and small Tythes Modus's and Compositions whatsoever issuing out of a Yard Land and a half and a Homested belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick late in the Occupation of the said William Spires Also to the said William Spires All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Sixty Five Acres Three Roods and Twenty Eight Perches lying and being together in the said Field called Oathill Field bounded on part of the North East by the said Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to William Spires in lieu of his Tythe on part of the East and on other part of the North East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Gibbs on part of the South by the said Wood called Hemings Wood otherwise Westgrove on other part of the South and on other part of the East by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said William Spires on other part of the South by the Sixth Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the West on the North and on other part of the West on the South West and on the North West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Haynes which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land Together with the Close hereinafter mentioned to be Granted to him by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick in Exchange for open Field as aforesaid is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said William Spires in Lieu of and full Compensation for One Yard Land and half and Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to him the said William Spires in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said Two Allottments by us Allotted to the said William Spires as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences from the North East Corner of an Old Inclosure belonging to the said William Spires to the North East Corner of a certain place called Colley Croft by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Gibbs and from the South West Corner of a certain place called Upper Dinge to the said Wood called Hemings Wood otherwise Westgrove ( Except Eleven Chains and Fifty Six Links at a certain place called Gramway hereinafter directed to be made by the said John Gibbs ) on the South by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the North by the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid and from the North side of the said last mentioned Road on the South and South West to a certain place called Grey Wheatlands by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Haynes shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said William Spires and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being To the said John Gibbs All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Two Acres Three Roods and Twenty Eight Perches lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in the said Field called Oathill Field bounded on the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to William Spires on part of the South East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Gibbs on part of the North East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock on the North West by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said Brook Woodcock on part of the West on other part of the North West by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said John Gibbs which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said John Gibbs in lieu of and full Compensation for his Great and small Tythes Modus's or Compositions whatsoever issuing or arising or due or payable to him out of half a Yard Land belonging to the said William Spires Also to the said John Gibbs All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Fifty Two Acres One Rood and Fourteen Perches lying and being together in the said Field called Oathill Field bounded on part of the West on part of the South West on part of the North West on the other part of the South West by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said William Spires on part of the South by the said Wood called Hemings Wood otherwise Westgrove on part of the East by the Road leading from Walcot aforesaid to Barlichway Bush aforesaid on other part of the South by the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid on other part of the East on part of the North and on the North East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock on other part of the North West by the said Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Gibbs Also to the said John Gibbs All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways One Acre Two Roods and Thirty Six Perches lying and being together in a certain Meadow called Broad Meadow bounded on part of the North East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Heming on part of the North West by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock on part of the South West and on part of the South East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick All which said two last mentioned Allottments pieces or parcels of Land are by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said John Gibbs in lieu of and full Compensation for One Yard Land and a half and Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to him the said John Gibbs in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said several Allottments by us Allotted to the said John Gibbs as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said two first Allottments to the said John Gibbs on that part beginning at the South East Corner of Colley Croft unto the South East Corner of Upper Dinge and from the South End of a certain place called Gramway containing in Length Eleven Chains and Fifty Six Links and from the South side of the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid to the said Wood called Hemings Wood otherwise Westgrove adjoining on Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said William Spires and on the North side of the Road from an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said William Spires to an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock and on part of the East all along by the side of a certain Furlong called Fox Meere Furlong on other part beginning at the South East Corner of a certain Furlong called Moore Furlong on other part of the East on the North and on the North East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock to a certain Old Inclosure of the said Brook Woodcock shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said John Gibbs and the owners and proprietors of the said first two described Allottments for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Third Allottment to the said John Gibbs on the North West side or End thereof adjoining Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock and on the South East side or End thereof adjoining Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said John Gibbs and the owners and proprietors of the said Third described Allottment for the time being Also to the said John Gibbs All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Fifteen Acres and Thirty Six Perches lying and being together in the Manor of Upton Haselor in the said Field called Rodnill Field and bounded on the North East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Sarah Heming on the North West by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on the South West by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Nathaniel Quinton on the South East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Samuel Tidmash which said last mentioned Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said John Gibbs in lieu of and full Compensation for half a Yard Land and Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to him the said John Gibbs in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Upton Haselor intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said last Allottment by us Allotted to the said John Gibbs as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on the South West adjoining to Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Nathaniel Quinton and on the South East adjoining to Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Samuel Tidmash shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said John Gibbs and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being To the said Brook Woodcock All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Three Acres and Twenty Three Perches lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in the said Field called Micknill Field bounded on the South by the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid on the West by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Gibbs and on the North and East by an Allottment next hereinafter Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Brook Woodcock in lieu of and full Compensation for his Great and small Tythes Modus's or Compositions whatsoever issuing or arising or due or payable to him out of a certain Meadow called Stepstone Meadow being part of the Common Fields of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid Also to the said Brook Woodcock All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Ninety Five Acres One Rood and Nine Perches lying and being together in a certain place called Haselor Moore and in the said Fields called Oathill Field and Micknill Field bounded on part of the North West by Old Inclosures belonging to the said Brook Woodcock and the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the North East on part of the East on part of the North on other part of the East on other part of the North on other part of the East on other part of the North on part of the East on other part of the North East on other part of the East and on other part of the North by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Heming remainder on the North East by Old Inclosed Lands in the Parish of Billesley aforesaid on part of the South by the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid on the West on other part of the South and on the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Gibbs Also to the said Brook Woodcock All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Three Acres Three Roods and Three Perches lying and being together in a the said Meadow called Broad Meadow bounded on the South West by the Second Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on the North East by Old Inclosures belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on the East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Heming and on the South East by the Third Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Gibbs All which said Two last mentioned Allottments pieces or parcels of Land are by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Brook Woodcock in lieu of and full Compensation for Two Yard Lands Right of Common or Common of Pasture and also in lieu of a certain piece or parcel of Land taken by the said Brook Woodcock of the said John Lane in Exchange for a certain Close or Inclosed Ground late in the Occupation of Jeremiah Smith and also All other Rights and Properties belonging to him the said Brook Woodcock in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said several Allottments by us Allotted to the said John Gibbs as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said two first Allottments to the said Brook Woodcock from the South East Corner of an Inclosure called Nillands Meadow to a Furlong called Dingle Furlong by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Heming and from a certain Gate called Dingle Furlong Gate on the East to another Gate at the North East Corner of a certain Furlong called Pease Furlong and by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Heming and from the Bottom of Hollows Hill on the East to the further End of an Allottment under the said Hill hereinafter Allotted to the said John Heming and by the said Allottment on the North and by the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid and from the said Turnpike Road to the South West Corner of the said Furlong called Fox Meere Furlong and by the Second Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Gibbs and from the North West Corner of the said Furlong called Fox Meere Furlong to the South East Corner of the said Furlong called Moore Furlong shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Brook Woodcock and the owners and proprietors of the said first two described Allottments for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Third Allottment to the said Brook Woodcock on the North West by the Second Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and on the North East by Old Inclosures belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Brook Woodcock and the owners and proprietors of the said Third described Allottment for the time being To the said John Heming All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Eight Acres Three Roods and Twenty Four Perches lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in the said Meadow called Broad Meadow and a certain Furlong called Pillham Furlong bounded on part of the North East and on the South East by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the Reverend Stephen Nason Clerk the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and the said John Lane on other part of the North East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane and an Old Inclosure belonging to the said John lane and on the North by an Old Inclosure belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on the South West by Two Allottments hereinbefore Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock and the said John Gibbs on part of the South and South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said John Heming in lieu of and full Compensation for his Great and small Tythes Modus's or Compositions whatsoever issuing or arising or due or payable to him out of One Yard Land and a half heretobefore held by a Lease for Lives by the said John Lane of the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick ( which said Tythes were due and payable to the said John Heming for and during the Term of his natural life as and for his Jointure ) and of all right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to the same in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said Allottment by us Allotted to the said John Heming as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on the North End thereof by an Old Inclosure Belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock the said John Gibbs and the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and on the South by the Publick Road or Highway leading from Walcot aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said John Heming and the owners and proprietors of the said described Allottment for the time being To the said John Heming All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Eighty Five Acres and Thirty Two Perches lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in the said Field called Between Towns Field and a certain place called the Moors and in the said Fields called the Watergall Field and Micknill Field and the said Hill called Hollows Hill bounded on part of the North East and on the North West by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said John Heming John Lane and Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Robert Bradshaw on part of the North by Lands hereinafter allotted to the said Robert Bradshaw on other part of the North East on other part of the North on other part of the North East and on the North West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on other part of the North East on the other part of the North on the East and on the South East by the said Wood called Wythecomb Wood and Old Inclosed Land in the said Parish of Billesley on part of the South on part of the West on the South West on other part of the South on other part of the West on other part of the South on other part of the West on other part of the South and on other part of the West by Lands Hereinbefore Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock on part of the South West and on other part of the South East by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on other part of the West by a Publick Road or Highway leading from Walcot aforesaid to Haselor aforesaid Also to the said John Heming All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Three Acres One Rood and Twenty Seven Perches lying and being together in a the said Meadow called Rankson Meadow bounded on the South by a certain Road or Highway leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alne Ford aforesaid and on all other parts thereof by the Lordship of Great Alne in the said County of Warwick Also to the said John Heming All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Two Acres Three Roods and Twenty One Perches lying and being together in a the said Meadow called Spearches Meadow bounded on the North East by the said Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alne Ford aforesaid on the South East and all other parts thereof by Lands belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick All which said Three last mentioned Allottments pieces or parcels of Land are by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said John Heming in lieu of and full Compensation for Two Yard Lands also for his Tythe issuing or due or payable out of a House and Orchard held by a Lease for Lives by John Collett of the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and also of a House and Orchard belonging to the said Elizabeth Haynes called or known by the Name of Whattcots House and Orchard and also of the said Meadow called Rankson Meadow and also of all other Rights and Properties belonging to him the said John Heming in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and other commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said several Allottments by us Allotted to the said John Heming as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said First Allottment to the said John Heming on the North East from a certain Gate called Dingle Gate to or near the North West Corner of the said Furlong called Lipper Pitt Furlong and on the South from the Corner of Billesley Old Inclosures across the Road leading from the bottom of the said Hill called Hollows Hill to the said Wood called Wythecomb Wood down to a Mound hereinbefore Allotted the said Brook Woodcock on other part of the South on the South West on other part of the South on part of the West on other part of the South on other part of the West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock and on other part of the West by the said Road leading from Walcot aforesaid to Haselor aforesaid shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said John Heming and the owners and proprietors of the said First described Allottment for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Second Allottment to the said John Heming on the South side thereof shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said John Heming and the Owners and proprietors of the said Second described Allottment for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Third Allottment to the said John Heming on the North East and South East sides thereof shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said John Heming and the Owners and proprietors of the said Third described Allottment for the time being To the said Elizabeth Haynes All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Eighteen Acres and Thirty Six Perches lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in the said Field called Thoroughters Field bounded on part of the North and on part of the West by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes on other part of the North on part of the East on other part of the North on other part of the East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane on the South by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on other part of the West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Elizabeth Haynes in lieu of and full Compensation for her Great and small Tythes Modus's or Compositions whatsoever issuing or arising or due or payable to her out of two Thirds of a Yard and a half Land belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick heretofore held by a Lease for Lives by the said John Huband of the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and also of certain Old Inclosed Lands called the Court Lands late in the Occupation of Brace Sale called or known by the several Names of Conygree Close Pillham Hill Oxclose Pillham Meadow the Paddock and Slow Lake Meadow Also to the said Elizabeth Haynes All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Thirty One Acres and Thirty Perches lying and being together in the said Field called Thoroughters Field bounded on part of the North West on part of the North East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane on other part of the North East on other part of the North West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to John Baker on part of the North and a small part of the East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane on other part of the East and on the South by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes on part of the South West on other part of the East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on other part of the South West on other part of the South by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Mary Hollis otherwise Melley on other part of the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and on other part of the South West by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said Elizabeth Haynes Also to the said Elizabeth Haynes All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Six Acres Two Roods and Thirty Four Perches lying and being together in a certain Meadow called Rittham Meadow and in a certain place called Granhill Butts bounded on part of the North East by Old Inclosed Lands in the Parish of Aston Cantloe on part of the North West on other part of the North East by the next described Allottment on other part of the North East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the Right Honourable George Nevill Lord Abergavenny on part of the North on other part of the North West by the said Brook called Small Brook otherwise Alne Brook on part of the South West on part of the South East and on the South by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane on the East and on part of the South East by the Publick Road or Highway leading from Haselor and Walcot aforesaid to Aston Cantloe aforesaid All which said Two last mentioned Allottments pieces or parcels of Land are by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Elisabeth Haynes in lieu of and full Compensation for One Yard Land and a Quarter and also in lieu of half a Yard Land hereinafter mentioned to be granted to her by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick in Exchange for half a Yard Land as aforesaid and all right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to the same in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said several Allottments by us Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Two First Allottments to the said Elisabeth Haynes on part of the North East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane and the said John Baker on the East and on the North by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane on the South and on the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick leading to a certain Gate called Hool Hunt Gate from the South West Corner of a certain Furlong called Cross Furlong to the Publick Road or Highway leading from Haselor and Walcot aforesaid to Aston Cantloe aforesaid on the North West by the said Publick Road or Highway to the South East Corner of an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane and on the South by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Mary Hollis otherwise Melley shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Elizabeth Haynes and the owners and proprietors of the said Two First described Allottments for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Third Allottment to the said Elizabeth Haynes on part of the North East by the said Butts called Granhill Butts to a Gate in the road leading from Haselor and Walcot aforesaid to Aston Cantloe aforesaid on the East or South East by the said Publick road or Highway leading from Haselor and Walcot aforesaid to Aston Cantloe aforesaid on part of the South West on other part of the South and on other part of the South West down to the said Brook called Small Brook otherwise Alne Brook by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Elizabeth Haynes and the owners and proprietors of the said Third Allottment for the time being And Whereas since the making and setting out the said several Allottments by the Commissioners to and amonst the several and respective owners and Proprietors of the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds within the parish of Haselor the said Elizabeth Haynes hath purchased of and from the said Thomas Weyham the Allottment that was set out and appointed by us to him the said Thomas Weyham for and in Lieu of Tythe issuing out of the Marth or mowing Grass of a certain piece or parcel of Land in the said Meadow called Rittham Meadow heretofore belonging to the said George Nevil Lord Abergavenny We do therefore hereby Award and Allot unto the said Elizabeth Haynes All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Ten Perches lying and being lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in the said Meadow called Rittham Meadow bounded on the North West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said George Nevil Lord Abergavenny on the North by Old Inclosed Lands in the said Parish of Aston Cantloe on the East and on the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed in lieu of and full Compensation for the said Great and small Tythes Modus's or Compositions whatsoever issuing or arising or due or payable to the said Thomas Weyham out of the said Marth or mowing Grass of the said piece or parcel of Land in the said Meadow called Rittham Meadow as aforesaid And also all right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to the same in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said last mentioned Allottment We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on the North East side and on the South West End adjoining on Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Elizabeth Haynes and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being Also to the said Elizabeth Haynes All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Two Acres One Rood and One Perch lying and being together within the Manor of Upton Haselor aforesaid in the said Field called Rodnill Field and bounded on the North East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips and on the North by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on the South West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Sarah Heming which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Elizabeth Haynes in lieu of and full compensation for a certain piece or parcel of Land hereinafter mentioned to be granted to her by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick in Exchange for open Field land as aforesaid which said open Field land mentioned to be Exchanged as aforesaid was chargeable with the yearly payment of the Sum of Fifteen Shillings to the Parish Church or Chapel of Haselor aforesaid and all Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other Rights and properties belonging to her the said Elizabeth Haynes in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Upton Haselor intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid which said last mentioned Allottment to her the said Elizabeth Haynes We do hereby Award order direct and appoint to stand charged and chargeable for ever hereafter with the said yearly payment or Sum of Fifteen Shillings to the said Parish Church or Chapel of Haselor as aforesaid And that the same shall be paid yearly and every year for ever hereafter by the said Elizabeth Haynes and the owners and proprietors of the said Allottment for the time being And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said last mentioned Allottment by us allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on the South East by Land hereinafter Allotted to the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips and on the South West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Sarah Heming shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Elizabeth Haynes and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being To the said Mary Hollis otherwise Melley All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Four Acres and Two Perches lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in the said Field called Watergall Field bounded on the North by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes on the South East and on the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on the North West by a Publick Road or Highway leading from Haselor and Walcot aforesaid to Aston Cantloe aforesaid which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Mary Hollis otherwise Melley in lieu of and full Compensation for the said Great and small Tythes Modus's or Compositions whatsoever issuing or arising or due or payable to her out of one third part of a yard and a half belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick theretofore held by a Lease for lives by the said John Huband of the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and all Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to her the said Mary Hollis otherwise Melley in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said last mentioned Allottment by us allotted to the said Mary Hollis otherwise Melley We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences from the South West Corner of the said Furlong called Cross Furlong by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes to the North East Corner of the said Allottment by us allotted to the said Mary Hollis otherwise Melley as aforesaid and on the North West end along by the said Road leading from Haselor and Walcot aforesaid to Aston Cantloe aforesaid shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Mary Hollis otherwise Melley and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being To the said John Baker All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Two Acres and One Perch lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in the said Field called Thoroughters Field bounded on the North West and on the North East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane on the South East by the said Road leading from Haselor and Walcot aforesaid to Aston Cantloe aforesaid and on the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said John Baker in lieu of and full Compensation for one Eighth of a Yard Land and Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to him the said John Baker in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said last mentioned Allottment by us allotted to the said John Baker We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on the North East by the said Road leading from Haselor and Walcot aforesaid to Aston Cantloe aforesaid shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said John Baker and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being To the Right Honourable George Nevill Lord Abergavenny All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways One Rood and Eight Perches lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in the said Meadow called Rittham Meadow bounded on the North West by the said Brook called Small Brook otherwise Alne Brook on the North by Old Inclosed Lands in the Parish of Aston Cantloe aforesaid on the South East by the Allottment purchased by the said Elizabeth Haynes of the said Thomas Weyham and on the East and South by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said George Nevill Lord Abergavenny in lieu of and full Compensation for the Marth or mowing grass of a certain piece or parcel of Land or Ground lying and being in the said Meadow called Rittam meadow and all Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to him the said George Nevill Lord Abergavenny in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said last mentioned Allottment by us allotted to the said George Nevill Lord Abergavenny as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on the South West side thereof shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said George Nevill Lord Abergavenny and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being To the said Robert Bradshaw All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Eight Acres Two Roods and Eighteen Perches lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in the said Field called Watergall Field bounded on the North East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on the South East and on the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Heming and on the North West by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said John Heming which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Robert Bradshaw in lieu of and full Compensation for the said Great and small Tythes Modus's or Compositions whatsoever issuing or arising or due or payable to him out of certain Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick called or known by several Names of Bench Pool Leys Grass Hide Flax Hide and great Hide Meadow and also of a Modus of One Shilling and Sixpence per Annum payable out of the Meadow belonging to the said John Heming called Ranksom Meadow and also all Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other Rights and properties belonging to him the said Robert Bradshaw in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said last mentioned Allottment by us allotted to the said Robert Bradshaw as aforesaid We do hereby Award Order Direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on the South East End and on the South West side thereof by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Heming shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Robert Bradshaw and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being To the most Noble Lionel Cranfield Sackville Duke of Dorset All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Six Acres One Rood and Two Perches lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in the said Field called Micknill Field bounded on the North East by the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid and on part of the West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the South on other part of the West on part of the North and on other part of the West by the said Wood called Masters Wood on other part of the South and on part of the East by the Lordship of Binton which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Duke in lieu of and full Compensation for is right of Soil Growth of Trees and Bushes and all other rights and properties belonging to him the said Duke in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said last mentioned Allottment by us allotted to the said Duke We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on the North side of the said Allottment adjoining the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Duke and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being To the said John Lane All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Fourteen Acres One Rood and Two Perches lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in the said Meadow called Stepstone Meadow and Rittham Meadow bounded on the North East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane on part of the East by the said Brook called Small Brook otherwise Alne Brook on the North on other part of the East on part of the North West on part of the South West and on the South by the Lordship of Great Alne aforesaid on the West by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on other part of the South West on other part of the South East on other part of the South West and on other part of the South East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane and Mary his Wife which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said John Lane in lieu of and full Compensation for his Great and small Tythes Modus's or Compositions issuing or arising or due or payable to him out of One Yard Land and a half and also out of a certain Old Inclosed Lands called Furzney Ground One Little Close and one Orchard and Garden belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick late in the Tenure or Occupation of Joseph Heming Also to the said John Lane All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Ninety Three Acres Two Roods and Twenty One Perches lying and being together in the said Field called Thoroughters Field bounded on part of the South on part of the West on other part of the South on other part of the West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes on other part of the West and on the South East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the East by the Lordship of Billesley on part of the North by a certain Wood called Aston Grove on other part of the East on other part of the North on other part of the East on other part of the North on other part of the East on other part of the North leading by the side of a certain Lane called Short Broad Lane to the North West End of the said Lane on other part of the North on other part of the East on the North East and on other part of the North to a certain Gate in the said Road leading from Haselor and Walcot aforesaid to Aston Cantloe aforesaid on other part of the West on the South West on other part of the North to the said Brook called Small Brook otherwise Alne Brook adjoining on Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes on other part of the North on other part of the West by the Lordship of Great Alne on other part of the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Lane on other part of the South East on other part of the North West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane and Mary his Wife on other part of the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Baker which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land Together with the said Messuage or Dwelling House and Orchard with the Appurtenances in Walcot aforesaid in the Tenure or Occupation of Francis Cooke Widow hereinafter mentioned to be granted to him by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick in Exchange for Open Field Land as aforesaid is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said John Lane in lieu of and full Compensation for Two Yard Lands and a half Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other Rights and properties belonging to the same in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said Two Allottments by us allotted to the said John Lane We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on part of the South adjoining on Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes on other part of the South on part of the West on other part of the South on other part of the West and on the South East adjoining on Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the North by the said Lane called Short Broad Lane and on the North East adjoining the Lordship of Aston Cantloe shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said John Lane and the owners and proprietors of the said described Allottments for the time being Also to the said John Lane and Mary his Wife All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Eight Acres One Rood and Seven Perches lying and being together within the Manor of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid in the said Field called Thoroughters Field bounded on part of the South East and on part of the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes on other part of the South East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Baker on the North East and on the North West by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Lane and Mary his Wife on other part of the South West by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said John Lane on other part of the South East on other part of the South West by a Cherry Orchard or piece of old inclosed Land belonging to Henry Mander which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land together with the Close hereinafter mentioned to be granted to the said John Lane by the said Brook Woodcock in exchange for Open Field Land as aforesaid is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said John Lane and Mary his Wife in lieu of and full Compensation for all great and small Tythes Modus's or Compositions whatsoever issuing or arising or due or payable to out of One Yard Land and a half belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke also the said Meadow called Cam Meadow also of the said Orchard or piece of old inclosed Lands in the Occupation of Francis Cooke Widow and also of one Eight part of a Yard Land heretofore belonging to the said John Baker and also of certain Lands called Nillands and Nillands Meadow Also to the said John Lane All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Thirty Acres One Rood and Five Perches lying and being together in the said Field called Thoroughters Field bounded on the North East and on the North West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Lane on other part of the North West and on the North by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and the said John Lane on part of the West by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said John Lane on part of the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Heming on part of the South on part of the South East and on part of the South West by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said John Lane on other part of the South West by a Cherry Orchard belonging to the said Henry Mander on other part of the South East and on other part of the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes and on the East by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Baker which said last mentioned Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us allotted set out and appointed to and for the said John Lane and Mary his Wife in lieu of and in full Compensation for One Yard Land ( all which said last two mentioned Allottments are by us Allotted set out and appointed to and for the said John Lane and Mary his Wife in lieu of and in full Compensation for the said Tythe and One Yard Land heretofore held by the said Mary Lane for and during the Term of her natural life as and for her Jointure ) and of all Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to the same in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Haselor and Walcot intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said Two Allottments by us allotted to the said John Lane and Mary his Wife as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on part of the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Heming on other part of the South East adjoining to Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes on other part of the South East adjoining to Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Baker on other part of the South East on the North East and on the North West to Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Lane shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said John Lane and Mary his Wife and the owners and proprietors of the said described Allottments for the time being To Richard Kempson All that Allottment piece or parcel of old inclosed meadow or Grass Ground called or known by the name of Little Pleck Meadows as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Three Roods and Four Perches bounded on part of the East by the said Brook called Small Brook otherwise Alne Brook and on other part of the East by a piece of old inclosed Land in the Lordship of Great Alne on the North and on the North West by a certain piece of Common or Waste Ground in the said Lordship of Great Alne which said Allottment piece or parcel of Meadow or Grass Ground is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Richard Kempson in lieu of and in full Compensation for his Great and small Tythes Modus's or Compositions whatsoever issuing or arising or due or payable out of certain Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick in the Tenure or Occupation of the said Joseph Heming called or known by the several names of Oversley Meadow Little Pleck and Goose Pleck And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said last mentioned Allottment by us allotted to the said Richard Kempson as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on the North and on the North West by the said Common or Waste Ground in the said Lordship of Great Alne shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Richard Kempson and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being To the said John Haynes All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Thirty Acres lying and being together within the Manor of Upton Haselor aforesaid in a certain Field called Purnill Field bounded on part of the North by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Richard Harris on the East on other part of the North and on the North East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said John Haynes on the South by a certain Wood called Alcocks Arbour on the West and on the North West by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said Sir Robert Throckmorton Baronet which said piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and appointed to and for the said John Haynes in Lieu and in full compensation for certain Tythes Lands and right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to the same in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Upton Haselor intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid heretofore purchased by the said John Haynes of and from Thomas Aason ( which said Lands so purchased by the said John Haynes were charged with the yearly payment of a Modus or composition of Six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four pence to the said Stephen Nason as Chaplain or Curate of the said Parish Church or Chapel of Haselor and his successors for ever ) which said Allottment to the said John Haynes We do hereby charge and make chargeable with the clear yearly payment of the said Sum of Six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four pence unto the said Stephen Nason and his successors for ever as Chaplain or Curate of the said Parish Church or Chapel of Haselor aforesaid by two equal half yearly payments without any deduction or abatement whatsoever at the two most usual days of payment in every year ( that is to say ) the Twenty Ninth Day of September and the Twenty Fifth day of March the first payment to begin and be made upon the Twenty Ninth day of September next ensuing the date hereof And if at any time or times hereafter default shall happen to be made of in payment of the said Sum of Six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four pence or any part thereof upon the days and times when the same shall become one and payable as aforesaid Then and so often it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Stephen Nason and his successors for the time being into and upon the said Allottment for any part thereof to enter and distrain and the distress and distresses then and there found to take lead drive carry away Impound detain and keep until the Sum for which such distress or distresses shall be so taken together with all Costs charges and expences attending the same shall be fully paid Or otherwise to dispose of the same as is usual and customary in Cases of Distresses for Rent Also to the said John Haynes All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways One Hundred and Sixty Five Acres Two Roods and Sixteen Perches lying and being together in the said Field called Purnill Field and part of the said Field called Rowland Field bounded on part of the North West and on the North by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Richard Harris on the North East on other part of the North West by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said John Haynes on part of the East by the Street or Common Road leading through Upton Haselor aforesaid on other part of the North West by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said John Haynes on other part of the North West by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said William Spires on part of the North East on part of the South East on other part of the North East on other part of the East and on part of the South hereinbefore Allotted to the said William Spires on other part of the South by the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid on other part of the South by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said John Haynes and the said Wood called Alcocks Arbour and on the West by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Haynes Also to the said John Haynes All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Forty Two Acres One Rood and Eight Perches lying and being together in Hobb Furze Little Ham Meadow and Lower Ham Meadow bounded on part of the South East on the South West and on other part of the South East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips on other part of the South East on the East on other part of the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the North on other part of the North West on part of the West on other part of the North West and on part of the North by Lands in the Lordships of Kinwarton and Great Alne on part of the North East by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick All which said two last mentioned Allottments pieces or parcels of Land are by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said John Haynes in lieu of and full Compensation for Eight Yard Land and a Quarter and Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to same in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Upton Haselor intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid Also to the said John Haynes All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways One Hundred and Twenty Acres and Twenty Two Perches lying and being together in the said Field called Rawlands Field and Upton Hill bounded on part of the East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said William Spires on other part of the East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the South by the Lordship of Grafton on part of the South West on other part of the South on other part of the South West on other part of the South on part of the West on other part of the South by the Lordship of Exhall on part of the North West on the North by the said Wood called Alcocks Arbour on other part of the North West on other part of the North on part of the North East and on other part of the West by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said John Haynes on other part of the North West on other part of the North by the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said John Haynes in lieu of and full Compensation for One Yard Land and Three Quarters and Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to same in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Upton Haselor intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid subject to a certain Herriot or Herriots Chief Rent or Chief Rents as of Right belong to the said Sir Robert Throckmorton Baronet as Lord of the said Manor of Upton Haselor And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said several Allottments by us Allotted to the said John Haynes as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said first Allottment to the said John Haynes on the East Side thereof shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said John Haynes and the owners and proprietors of the said first described Allottment for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Second Allottment to the said John Haynes on that part of the North East by a House called Dennis's House on other part or the North East and South East by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said William Spires and on the South West Corner of Grey Wheatlands shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said John Haynes and the owners and proprietors of the said Second described Allottment for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Third Allottment to the said John Haynes on part of the South East on the South West on other part of the South East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips and on other part of the South East on the East on other part of the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said John Haynes and the owners and proprietors of the said Third described Allottment for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Fourth Allottment to the said John Haynes on the East by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said William Spires on part of the South West on part of the South on other part of the South West on other part of the South on part of the West and on other part of the South by the Lordship of Exhall on part of the North West on part of the North by the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said John Haynes and the owners and proprietors of the said Fourth described Allottment for the time being To the said Richard Harris All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Forty Five Acres Two Roods and Five Perches lying and being together in the Manor of Upton Haselor aforesaid in the said Field called Rodnill Field bounded on part of the South East by a certain Lane called or known by the Name of Berry Lane on other part of the South East and on the South by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Haynes on the South West by the Lordship of Oversley on part of the North West on part of the North East on other part of the North West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Samuel Tidmash on other part of the North East on other part of the North West by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said Samuel Tidmash on other part of the North East by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said Samuel Tidmash William Dark Robert Parsons and Elizabeth Haynes Also to the said Richard Harris All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Four Acres lying and being together in the said Meadow called Upper Ham Meadow bounded on the South and on the East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on the West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Sarah Heming on the North and on the North East by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick All which said two last mentioned Allottments pieces or parcels of Land are by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Richard Harris in lieu of and full Compensation for Two Yard Lands and Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to him the said Richard Harris in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Upton Haselor intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said two several Allottments by us Allotted to the said Richard Harris as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said first Allottment to the said Richard Harris on part of the South East by the said Lane called Berry Lane on other part of the South East and on the South by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Haynes shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Richard Harris and the owners and proprietors of the said first described Allottment for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Second Allottment to the said Richard Harris on the South and on the West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Sarah Heming shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Richard Harris and the owners and proprietors of the said Second described Allottment for the time being To the said Samuel Tidmash All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Twenty Two Acres and One Perch lying and being together in the Manor of Upton Haselor aforesaid in the said Field called Rodnill Field bounded on part of the South East on part of the South West and on other part of the South East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Richard Harris on other part of the South West by the Lordship of Oversley on part of the North West by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Nathaniel Quinton on other part of the North West by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Gibbs on other part of the North West and on part of the North East by an Allottment hereinafter Allotted to the said Sarah Heming and on other part of the North East by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said Samuel Tidmash Also to the said Samuel Tidmash All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Four Acres Two Roods and Twenty Four Perches lying and being together in the said Meadow called Upper Ham Meadow bounded on the South by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on the North West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips and on the North East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Sarah Heming All which said two last mentioned Allottments pieces or parcels of Land are by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Samuel Tidmash in lieu of and full Compensation for One Yard Land and Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to him the said Samuel Tidmash in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Upton Haselor intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said several Allottments by us Allotted to the said Samuel Tidmash as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said first Allottment to the said Samuel Tidmash on part of the South East on the South West and on other part of the South East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Richard Harris shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Samuel Tidmash and the owners and proprietors of the said first described Allottment for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Second Allottment to the said Samuel Tidmash on the South by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Samuel Tidmash and the owners and proprietors of the said Second described Allottment for the time being To the said Sarah Heming All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Four Acres Two Roods and Four Perches lying and being together in the Manor of Upton Haselor aforesaid in the said Field called Rodnill Field bounded on the North East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes on the North by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on the South West and on the South East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Sarah Heming which said piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Sarah Heming in lieu of and full Compensation for the Great and small Tythes Modus's or Compositions whatsoever issuing or arising or due or payable out of One Quarters of a Yard Land heretofore belonging to the said Jeremiah Smith and also certain pieces or parcels of Land called the Rigdalls Tythe Plott Slingators Spearches and Rushes Spearches belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick Also to the said Sarah Heming All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Forty Two Acres One Rood and Twenty Seven Perches lying and being together in the said Field called Rodnill Field bounded on part of the South West and on part of the South East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Samuel Tidmash on other part of the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Gibbs on the North by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the North East on part of the North West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Sarah Heming on other part of the North West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes on other part of the North West on part of the North East on other part of the North West on other part of the North East by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips on other part of the South East on other part of the North East on other part of the North West by an Orchard or piece of Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said Sarah Heming on other part of the North East of Old Inclosed Land belonging to William Hawkes John Gibbs and John Haynes on other part of the South East on other part of the North East by Old Inclosed Land belonging to Sarah Heming and on other part of the South East by Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said Samuel Tidmash Also to the said Sarah Heming All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Eight Acres and Thirty Five Perches lying and being together in the said Meadow called Upper Ham Meadow bounded on the East by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Richard Harris on the North and on the North East by Old Inclosed Lands belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips on other part of the West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Samuel Tidmash and on the South by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick All which said two last mentioned Allottments pieces or parcels of Land are by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Sarah Heming in lieu of and full Compensation for Two Yard Lands and Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to him the said Sarah Heming in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Upton Haselor intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said several Allottments by us Allotted to the said Sarah Heming as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said two first Allottments to the said Sarah Heming on part of the South West and on the South East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Samuel Tidmash and on other part of the South West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Gibbs shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Sarah Heming and the owners and proprietors of the said first Two described Allottments for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Third Allottment to the said Sarah Heming and on the South by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and on the West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Samuel Tidmash and by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Sarah Heming and the owners and proprietors of the said Third described Allottment for the time being And Whereas there was at the time of passing the said recited Act and still in dispute and Contention between Thomas Cooper of Birmingham in the County of Warwick Hatter and William Phillips of the Borough of Evesham in the County of Worcester Gentleman of and concerning their respective Rights and Interests of in and to One Yard Land and a half situate lying and being in the Manor of Upton Haselor aforesaid and being part of the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds in and by the Act so directed to be inclosed as aforesaid And it not yet having been made appear to us what share Estate or Interest either of them hath in the said One Yard Land and a half We do therefore hereby Award and Allot the Allottment next hereinafter mentioned unto the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips to and for such Estate and Estates and in such Shares and proportions as to the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips does and shall have right belong and in default of right in them or either of them then to such other person or persons as shall be legally Entitled to the said One Yard Land and a half which said Allottment is hereinafter more particularly described ( that is to say ) All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Twenty Seven Acres and Twenty Two Perches lying and being together in the said Field called Rodnill Field bounded on part of the North East and on the South East by a small piece or parcel of Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said Elizabeth Haynes and on other part of the North East by the Publick Road leading from Upton Haselor aforesaid to Great Alne aforesaid on the North by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the South West by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes on part of the South East on other part of the South West on other part of the South East and on the West and on other parts of the South East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Sarah Heming Also to the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips and to such other person or persons who have a right or Claim any share or Interest in or to the same as aforesaid All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Six Acres and Twenty Eight Perches lying and being together in the said Meadow called Upper Ham Meadow bounded on the East by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Sarah Heming on the North and on the North East by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Haynes on the West and on the South by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and on the South East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Samuel Tidmash All which said two last mentioned Allottments pieces or parcels of Land are by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips and to such other person or persons as aforesaid in Lieu of and full Compensation for One Yard Land and a half Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to the same in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Upton Haselor intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said two several Allottments by us Allotted to the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips and to such other person or persons as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said first Allottment to the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips and others as aforesaid on the North East side thereof adjoining the Road leading from Upton aforesaid to Alne Ford aforesaid to a small piece of Old Inclosed Land belonging to the said Elizabeth Haynes on part of the South East by the said private Road hereinafter to be Allotted for the use of the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips and others as aforesaid and the said Sarah Heming on other part of the South East on the West and on other part of the South East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Sarah Heming shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips and others as aforesaid and the owners and proprietors of the said first described Allottment for the time being And that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences of the said Second Allottment to the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips and others as aforesaid on the South and on the South East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and Samuel Tidmash shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips and others as aforesaid and the owners and proprietors of the said Second described Allottment for the time being To the said William Dark All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Four Acres Two Roods and Twenty Perches lying and being together in the Manor of Upton Haselor aforesaid in the said Field called Broadway Field bounded on the South West by a Publick Road or Highway leading from Upton Haselor aforesaid to Alne Ford aforesaid on the North West and on the North East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and on the South East by a Publick Road or Highway leading from Walcot aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said William Dark in lieu of and full Compensation for One Quarter of a Yard Land and Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to him the said William Dark in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Upton Haselor intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said last mentioned Allottment by us Allotted to the said William Dark as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on the South East by the said Road leading from Walcot aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid and on the South West and by the said Road leading from Upton aforesaid to Alne Ford aforesaid shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said William Dark and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being To the said Nathaniel Quinton All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Seventeen Acres Three Roods and Five Perches lying and being together in the Manor of Upton Haselor aforesaid in the said Fields called Broadway Field and Rodnill Field bounded on part of the North West by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick on part of the North East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Gibbs on the South by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Samuel Tidmash on part of the South West by the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid on other part of the North West on other part of the South West by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said James Tallis on other part of the North West by a certain Road leading ( from the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid ) to a Mill called Hoo Mill on other part of the North West and on part of the South West by Old Inclosed Lands in Occupation of the said James Tallis on the North West and on other part of the North East by Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Nathaniel Quinton in lieu of and full Compensation for half a Yard Land and Right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to him the said Nathaniel Quinton in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Upton Haselor intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said last mentioned Allottment by us Allotted to the said Nathaniel Quinton as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on the South East by lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Samuel Tidmash on the South West by the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid and by Lands hereinafter Allotted to the said James Tallis shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Nathaniel Quinton and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being To the said Sir Robert Throckmorton Baronet All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways Four Acres One Rood and Thirty Six Perches lying and being together in the Manor of Upton Haselor aforesaid at the South End of a certain Lane called Bant Lane bounded on part of the North on the North West on other part of the North on the North East and on other part of the North by the said Wood called Alcocks Arbour on the South East and on part of the South and on part of the South West by the Lordship of Exhall and on the West by a Road leading from Bant Lane aforesaid to Exhall aforesaid which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land Together with a Close adjoining the same called Lady Croft hereinafter mentioned to be Granted to him by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick in Exchange for Open Field Land as aforesaid is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said Sir Robert Throckmorton Baronet in lieu of and full Compensation for his Land called Cordwell Pieces lying and being in the said Common Fields of Upton Haselor aforesaid and all right of Common or Common of Pasture and all other rights and properties belonging to the same in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Upton Haselor intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said last mentioned Allottment by us Allotted to the said Sir Robert Throckmorton Baronet as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on the South East on part of the South on the South West by the Lordship of Exhall and on the West by the said Lane called Bant Lane shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said Sir Robert Throckmorton Baronet and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being To the said James Tallis as Lessee of the said Sir Robert Throckmorton Baronet All that Allottment piece or parcel of Land as the same is now Admeasured and set out containing by Statue Measure Exclusive of Roads and Highways One Acre Two Roods and Ten Perches lying and being together in the Manor of Upton Haselor aforesaid in the said Field called Broadway Field bounded on the South East by the said Publick Road leading from Haselor aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid on of the South West by the Lordship of Oversley on the North West by Old Inclosed Lands in Occupation of the said James Tallis and on the North East by an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Nathaniel Quinton which said Allottment piece or parcel of Land is by us Allotted set out and Appointed to and for the said James Tallis in lieu of and full Compensation for the Right of Common belonging to the said Mill called Hoo Mill in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds lying and being in the said Manor of Upton Haselor intended to be Inclosed as aforesaid And as to the Fences to be made for the Inclosing seperating and dividing of the said last mentioned Allottment by us Allotted to the said James Tallis as aforesaid We do hereby Award order direct and Appoint that the Hedges Ditches Mounds and Fences on the South East End by the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid and from the North West Corner of the said Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Nathaniel Quinton along to the Road leading to the said Mill called Hoo Mill shall be made repaired maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by the said James Tallis as Lessee of the said Sir Robert Throckmorton Baronet and the owners and proprietors of the said last described Allottment for the time being
And as to for and concerning the several Publick and Private Roads Ways Paths and Passages in and by the said in part recited Act of Parliament directed to be made set out and appointed as aforesaid and the Herbage hereinafter to grow thereon We the said Commissioners do hereby Award order direct set out Allot Assign and appoint the same respectively in manner following ( that is to say ) That the Road leading from the Top of the said Hill called Red Hill to the Turnpike House on the said Road ( being the Ancient Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid ) and the said Road leading from the said Turnpike House to or towards Kinwarton called Trench Lane ( being the Ancient Road from thence to the said Mill called Hoo Mill and to Kinwarton aforesaid ) by the several Allottments hereinbefore Allotted to the said Lionel Cranfield Sackville Duke of Dorset Brook Woodcock Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick John Gibbs William Spires John Haynes Richard Harris Samuel Tidmash Nathaniel Quinton and James Tallis shall be made and forever hereafter remain of the Breadth of Sixty Feet of Assize as the same is now set out and shall be used from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter as a Publick Common Road or Highway for the Passage and Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the sole use and benefit of the said Lionel Cranfield Sackville Duke of Dorset Brook Woodcock Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick John Gibbs William Spires John Haynes Richard Harris Samuel Tidmash Nathaniel Quinton and James Tallis and their Heirs and Assigns for ever in such parts and places as the same is bounded by their several Allottments And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the breadth of Sixty Feet leading from Alne Ford aforesaid to or towards Stratford upon Avon aforesaid through and over Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Lane shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick and Common Road or Highway for the Passage and Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages And We the said Commissioners do hereby Allot and Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road from Alne Ford aforesaid to the Edge of the said Moore called Haselor Moore unto the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick his Heirs and Assigns for ever and do hereby also Allot and Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the remaining part of the same Road from and over the said Moore through the Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Lane and all along the said Road as far as the same doth extend in the Parish of Haselor towards Stratford upon Avon his Heirs and Assigns for ever and that the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick shall set up a Gate at Alne Ford and keep the same in repair and that the said John Lane shall set up a Gate at the Edge of Haselor Moore aforesaid and keep the same in repair And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the breadth of Sixty Feet leading from Walcot aforesaid to or towards Aston Cantloe aforesaid to a Gate in the same Road through and over Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes and the said John Lane shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick and Common Road or Highway for the Passage and Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages And We the said Commissioners do hereby Allot Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow upon the same Road from the North East Corner of the said John Baker's Allottment next to Aston Cantloe to the said Gate between the Parish of Haselor and the Parish of Aston Cantloe unto the said John Lane his Heirs and Assigns for ever And We do hereby Allot and Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow upon the remaining part of the same Road from the said North East Corner of the said John Baker's Allottment next to Aston Cantloe aforesaid unto the said Elizabeth Haynes her Heirs and Assigns for ever so far as her Allottment extends towards Walcot aforesaid and that a Gate shall be erected and set up Across the said last mentioned Road at the said North East Corner of the said John Baker's Allottment by the said Elizabeth Haynes and that the same shall be for ever hereafter kept in repair by and at the Expence of the said Elizabeth Haynes her Heirs and Assigns for ever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the breadth of Sixty Feet leading from Haselor Walcot aforesaid to or towards Alcester through and over the Lands hereinbefore severally Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick Thomas Cooper and William Phillips Elizabeth Haynes Sarah Heming John Gibbs and Nathaniel Quinton shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick and Common Road or Highway for the Passage and Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages And We the said Commissioners do hereby Order Allot Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow upon the same Road unto and for the sole use and benefit of the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick Thomas Cooper and William Phillips Elizabeth Haynes Sarah Heming John Gibbs and Nathaniel Quinton their Heirs and Assigns for ever in such parts and places as the same is bounded by their said several Allottments And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the breadth of Sixty Feet leading from Upton Haselor aforesaid to or towards Alne Ford aforesaid through and over the Lands hereinbefore severally Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and Richard Harris shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick and Common Road or Highway for the Passage and Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and Richard Harris their Heirs and Assigns for ever on such parts and places as the same is bounded by their several and respective Lands And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the breadth of Sixty Feet leading from the South West End of the said Lane called Berry Lane ( in Upton Haselor aforesaid ) through Salters Lane over Upton Hill to a Gate in the Road leading to and towards Grafton and another Road Branching out of the said Road on Upton Hill of the breadth of Sixty Feet leading to the Stone Pit on Upton Haselor and Walcot Hills through and over Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Haynes shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick and Common Road or Highway for the Passage and Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said John Haynes his Heirs and Assigns for ever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the breadth of Sixty Feet leading from the said Turnpike Road from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid from the said Wood called West Grove otherwise Hemings Wood to Barlichway Bush to or towards Binton through and over Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick and Common Road or Highway for the Passage and Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick his Heirs and Assigns for ever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the breadth of Sixty Feet leading from the said Lane called Bant Lane at Alcocks Arbour to the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid and from thence to a Gate called Horn Hill Gate through and over Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Haynes shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick and Common Road or Highway for the Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said John Haynes his Heirs and Assigns for ever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the breadth of Sixty Feet leading from the Church Yard of Haselor aforesaid to Walcot Street aforesaid through and over Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick and Common Road or Highway for the Passage and Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick his Heirs and Assigns for ever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the breadth of Thirty Feet leading from the South East Corner of Dingle Furlong over part of Micknill Furlong in Micknill Field from thence on the West side of the Hedge that parts Micknill and Oathill Fields to the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid near the bottom of Barlichway Leys through and over the Lands hereinbefore severally Allotted to the said Robert Bradshaw John Heming Brook Woodcock and John Gibbs shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Private Road or Highway for the use and advantage of the Inhabitants of the said Parish of Haselor for the Convenience of their Horses Cattle and Carriages only And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said Robert Bradshaw John Heming Brook Woodcock and John Gibbs their Heirs and Assigns for ever on such parts and places as the same is bounded by their several Allottments And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the breadth of Thirty Feet leading from the said Lane called Salters Lane to the said Lane called Bant Lane through and over the Lands hereinbefore severally Allotted to the said John Haynes and Sir Robert Throckmorton shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Private Wood Road or Highway to and from the said Wood called Alcocks Arbour for the Passage Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said John Haynes and Sir Robert Throckmorton their Heirs and Assigns for ever on such parts and places as the same is bounded by their several Allottments And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the breadth of Thirty Feet leading from the North End of Bant Lane to the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid and by the North side of the said Wood called Alcocks Arbour through and over Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Haynes shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Private Wood Road or Highway to and from the said Wood called Alcocks Arbour and a Wood called Shroud Hill Wood for the Passage and Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said John Haynes his Heirs and Assigns for ever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Thirty Feet leading from an Allottment in Hob Furze hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Haynes to the Marl Pit set out in the said Field called Rodnill Field through and over the Lands hereinbefore severally Allotted to the said Sarah Heming Thomas Cooper and William Phillips Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and Samuel Tidmash shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Private Road or Highway to and from Hob Furze aforesaid through the said Allottment for the Sole use of the said John Haynes Sarah Heming Thomas Cooper and William Phillips Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and Samuel Tidmash their Heirs and Assigns for ever and the Road of the Breadth of Thirty Feet leading from the said Marle Pit into the Road from Haselor and Walcot aforesaid to Trench Lane aforesaid shall be and remain from time to time and at all times a Private Road or Highway to and for the use of all the Inhabitants of the Parish of Haselor aforesaid and their Heirs for ever And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said Sarah Heming Thomas Cooper and William Phillips Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and Samuel Tidmash their Heirs and Assigns for ever on such parts and places as the same is bounded by their several Allottments And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Thirty Feet leading from Barlichway Bush to the South East Corner of Masters Wood through and over the Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Private Road or Highway to and from the said Wood for the Passage and Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot and Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick his Heirs and Assigns for ever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Thirty Feet leading from Walcot aforesaid along by the side of Grotton Hedge along Whythecomb Lane to the said Wood called Whythecomb Wood and from thence to the bottom of Red Hill into the Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid at the bottom of the said Hill through and over Land hereinbefore severally Allotted to Robert Bradshaw John Heming Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and Brook Woodcock respectively shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Private Road or Highway to and for the Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages belonging to Haselor and Walcot and Upton Haselor and as a Wood Road to and for all Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages passing and repassing to and from the said Wood And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot and Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said Robert Bradshaw John Heming Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and Brook Woodcock and their Heirs and Assigns for ever on such parts and places as the same is bounded by their Several Allottments And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Thirty Feet leading out of the Turnpike Road between Red Hill and Trench Lane through and over Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick to the said Wood called Master's Wood shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Private Wood Road or Highway to and from the said Wood for the Passage and Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot and Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick his Heirs and Assigns for ever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Thirty Feet leading out of Haselor Street to a House heretofore called Colley Croft otherwise Dennis's House through and over Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said William Spires shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Private Road or Highway to and for the Convenience of Persons Horses Cattle and Carriages passing and repassing to and from the said House And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot and Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said William Spires his Heirs and Assigns for ever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Thirty Feet leading out of the Road from Walcot aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid at the said Furlong called Pillham Furlong to the said Meadow called Broad Meadow through and over Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Private Road or Highway to and for the use of the said Brook Woodcock and John Gibbs and their Servants Workmen Cattle and Carriages passing and repassing to and from their said Allottments in the said Meadow called Broad Meadow And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot and Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick his Heirs and Assigns for ever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Twenty Feet leading through the Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Gibbs in Broad Meadow aforesaid to an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock in the said Meadow shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Private Road or Highway to and for the use of the said Brook Woodcock and his Servants Workmen Cattle and Carriages passing and repassing to and from the said Allottment And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot and Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said John Gibbs his Heirs and Assigns for ever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Ten Feet leading from the Top of the said Hill called Upton Hill through and over Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Haynes to a Bridle Gate in the Road leading to or towards Grafton aforesaid shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick Bridle Road for the Convenience of Persons and Horses travelling the same And We the said Commissioners do hereby order Allot and Assign the Herbage hereafter to Grow on the same Road unto and for the Sole use and benefit of the said John Haynes his Heirs and Assigns for ever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Four Feet leading from the South West End of Berry Lane to or towards Alcester aforesaid through and over the Lands hereby severally Allotted to Richard Harris Samuel Tidmash John Gibbs and Nathaniel Quinton shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick Foot Road or Highway for the Passage of All Persons whatsoever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Four Feet leading from Walcot aforesaid to or towards Aston Cantloe aforesaid through and over the Lands hereinbefore severally Allotted to the said Elizabeth Haynes and John Lane shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick Foot Road or Highway for the Passage of All Persons whatsoever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Four Feet leading from the South East End of Walcot aforesaid to or towards Billesley through and over the Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick Foot Road or Highway for the Passage of All Persons whatsoever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Four Feet leading from Aston Cantloe aforesaid to or towards Billesley through and over the Lands hereinbefore severally Allotted to the said John Lane and Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick Foot Road or Highway for the Passage of All Persons whatsoever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Four Feet leading from Haselor aforesaid to the South East End of Walcot aforesaid through and over the Lands hereinbefore severally Allotted to the said John Heming and Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick Foot Road or Highway for the Passage of All Persons whatsoever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Four Feet leading from the Parish Church or Chapel of Haselor aforesaid to the West End of Walcot and from thence to or towards Great Alne aforesaid through and over the Lands hereinbefore severally Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and John Heming shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick Foot Road or Highway for the Passage of All Persons whatsoever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Four Feet leading from Berry Lane to Salters Street Lane and to the Turnpike Road near Rolls Wood through and over the Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Haynes shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Publick Foot Road or Highway for the Passage of All Persons whatsoever And also that the Ground now Admeasured and set out of the Breadth of Four Feet leading from the North East Corner of Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Samuel Tidmash to the Road leading from Walcot to Alcester aforesaid through and over the Lands hereinbefore severally Allotted to the said Sarah Heming and Thomas Cooper and William Phillips shall be and remain from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter a Private Foot Road or Highway for the Passage of the Proprietors of the Lands in Upper Ham Meadow Lower Ham Meadow and Hob Furze and their Heirs and Assigns for ever And We the said Commissioners do hereby further Award Order Direct and Appoint that all the Timber Trees and other Trees now standing growing or being or that hereafter shall stand grow or be in or upon any of the Lands Grounds or Roads in the said Parish of Haselor which shall be deemed Waste Lands after this present Inclosure shall be the absolute Property of the Lord or Lords of the said Manor or Manors whereon the same now are or hereafter shall be standing or growing respectively And We the said Commissioners do also further Award Order Direct and Appoint that all and every the said Proprietors shall make their several Hedges Ditches Gates Stiles Drains and Fences for the Mounding and Fencing of their several Allottments and shall severally effectually Mound and Fence in the same on or before the Tenth Day of July next And We the said Commissioners do hereby also Award Order that the Current or Stream or Water coming or running down to the top of Rittam Meadow near the Gate going into Aston Cantloe Lordship shall be used and divided in the manner following ( that is to say ) the First Twenty days of each and every Month to and for the use of the said John Lane and the Proprietors of the Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said John Lane in Rittam Meadow aforesaid for ever And the remaining part of each and every Month as aforesaid to and for the use of the said Elizabeth Haynes and the Proprietors of the Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to her in Rittam Meadow aforesaid for ever And when and as often that it shall so happen that neither of them the said John Lane and Elizabeth Haynes shall have occasions to make use of the said Current or Stream or Water for floating the said Allottments hereinbefore respectively Allotted to them in Rittam Meadow aforesaid Then We do hereby Award and Order that the said Current or Stream or Water shall at all times when no use is made thereof either by the said John Lane or the said Elizabeth Haynes or the respective Proprietors of the said several Allottments for the time being run and follow it's original course in the same manner and through the same Lands as it was used to do before the passing of the said recited Act of Parliament And We do hereby also further Award Order Direct and Appoint that the said Brook Woodcock and the Proprietor or Proprietors of certain Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock shall have full and free liberty now and at all times for ever hereafter to open the Spring on the Side of Red Hill in the Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the Most Noble Lionel Cranfield Sackville Duke of Dorset and to Convey the Stream of Water arising therefrom across the Turnpike Road into the Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock there at the Costs and charges of the said Brook Woodcock and the Owners and Proprietors of the said Allottment for the time being And We the said Commissioners do hereby further Award Order Direct and Appoint that a certain Lane called Watery Lane situate lying and being in Haselor aforesaid between the Homestalls of the said Brook Woodcock and the said John Gibbs containing in length One Hundred and Forty three Yards shall be divided between the said Brook Woodcock and the said John Gibbs in manner following ( that is to say ) Sixty Yards from the Top thereof lying North shall be the Property of the said Brook Woodcock his Heirs and Assigns for ever he and they making a Mound across the same at the end of the said Sixty Yards and keeping the same in repair for ever hereafter and the remaining part of the said Lane shall be the Property of the said John Gibbs his Heirs and Assigns for ever And We the said Commissioners do hereby further Allot Assign set apart and appoint All that piece or parcel of Land lying and being in Rodnill Field in the said Manor of Upton Haselor adjoining to the said Turnpike Road leading from Stratford upon Avon aforesaid to Alcester aforesaid and joining the Allottment of the said Nathaniel Quinton and containing in Statute Measure One Rood And also all that Plot or parcel of Land lying and being in Rodnill Field aforesaid adjoining the Allottment hereinbefore Allotted and appointed to said Sarah Heming containing in Statute Measure Two Roods And also all that Plot or parcel of Land lying and being in the said Field called Upton Hill in an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted and appointed to said John Haynes containing in Statute Measure Three Roods And also all that other Plot or parcel of Land lying and being in Haselor and Walcot Hill in a certain part of the said Fields called Above Hills otherwise Haselor Hill in an Allottment hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick containing in Statute Measure One Acre and a half as the same are now severally staked and set out as and for Publick Stone Gravel and Marl Pits for the purpose in the said Act of Parliament mentioned Which said Four Publick Stone Gravel and Marl Pits We do hereby Award Order Direct and Appoint shall be well and sufficiently mounded Fenced repaired and maintained and kept in Repair now and at all times for ever hereafter by and at the Expence of all and every the said Proprietors according to and in proportion to their several and respective Allottments in the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and other Commonable Lands in and by the said Act of Parliament directed to be inclosed as aforesaid And We the said Commissioners do hereby certify that for the more convenient situation and disposition of the Farm and Lands belonging to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick John Lane William Spires Elizabeth Haynes and Sir Robert Throckmorton Baronet respectively in the said Parish of Haselor they the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and the said John Lane have by and with the Consent and Approbation of us the said Commissioners testified by our Signing and Sealing of these presents exchanged with each other the Lands hereinafter mentioned ( that is to say ) the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick Hath granted unto the said John Lane All that Messuage or Dwelling House and Orchard with the Appurtenances in Walcot aforesaid in the Tenure or Occupation of Francis Cooke Widow To hold to the said John Lane and his Heirs in exchange for part of his Open Field Land of equal value in the said Common Fields of Haselor and Walcot granted by the said John Lane to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick in Lieu whereof the Land hath been taken out of the intended Allottment to the said John Lane for the said Open Field Land and added to the Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick as aforesaid And the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick hath also by and with the like Consent and Approbation of us the said Commissioners testified as aforesaid granted unto the said William Spires and his Heirs all that Close or inclosed Ground lying and being in the said Parish of Haselor called Mitch Croft To hold to the said William Spires and his Heirs in exchange for part of his Open Field Land of equal value in the said Common Fields of Haselor and Walcot granted by the said William Spires to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and his Heirs in Lieu whereof the Land hath been taken out of the said intended Allottment to the said William Spires for the said Open Field Land and added to the Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick as aforesaid And the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick hath also by and with the like Consent and Approbation of us the said Commissioners testified as aforesaid granted unto the said Elizabeth Haynes and her Heirs half a Yard Land lying and being in the Common Fields of Haselor and Walcot aforesaid To hold the same unto the said Elizabeth Haynes and her Heirs in exchange for half a Yard Land in the Common Fields of Upton Haselor of equal value in Lieu of which said Half Yard Land Lands have been added to each of their several and respective Allottments as aforesaid And the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick hath also by and with the like Consent and Approbation of us the said Commissioners testified as aforesaid granted unto the said Elizabeth Haynes a piece or parcel of Land lying and being in the said Common Fields of Haselor and Walcot To hold the same unto the said Elizabeth Haynes and her Heirs in exchange for a piece or parcel of Land lying and being in the said Common Fields of Upton Haselor of equal value which said last mentioned Land was subject to the yearly payment of Fifteen Shillings for ever unto the said Parish Church or Chapel of Haselor in Lieu of which said Land hath been taken out of the said intended Allottment to the said Elizabeth Haynes and added to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick's Allottment as aforesaid and also in Lieu of the said Land so Granted to the said Elizabeth Haynes an Allottment in Lieu thereof has been made to the said Elizabeth Haynes in the said Field called Rodnill Field in the Manor of Upton Haselor aforesaid and hereinbefore mentioned to be charged with the Sum of Fifteen Shillings a Year And the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick hath also by and with the like Consent and Approbation of us the said Commissioners testified as aforesaid granted unto the said Sir Robert Throckmorton Baronet and his Heirs All that Close or inclosed Ground lying and being in the said Parish of Haselor called Lady Croft situate and adjoining on Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Sir Robert Throckmorton Baronet at the South East End of the said Lane called Bant Lane To hold to the said Sir Robert Throckmorton Baronet and his Heirs in exchange for part of his Open Field Land called Cordwell's Pieces of equal value in the said Common Fields of Upton Haselor Granted by the said Sir Robert Throckmorton to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick and his Heirs in Lieu whereof Land hath been taken out of the said intended Allottment to the said Sir Robert Throckmorton for his Open Field Land and added to the Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick as aforesaid And We the said Commissioners do hereby also further certify that for the more convenient situation and disposition of the Farms and Lands belonging to the said Brook Woodcock and the said John Lane respectively in the said Parish of Haselor They the said Brook Woodcock and John Lane have by and with the Consent and Approbation of us the said Commissioners testified as aforesaid Exchanged with each other the Lands hereinafter mentioned ( that is to say ) the said Brook Woodcock has granted unto the said John Lane All that Close or inclosed Ground lying and being in the said Parish of Haselor late in the Tenure or Occupation of the said Jeremiah Smith To hold to the said John Lane and his Heirs in exchange for part of his Open Field Land of equal value in the said Common Fields of Haselor and Walcot granted by the said John Lane to the said Brook Woodcock and his Heirs in Lieu whereof the Land hath been taken out of the said intended Allottment to the said John Lane for the said Open Field Land and added to the Lands hereinbefore Allotted to the said Brook Woodcock as aforesaid And Whereas We the said Commissioners have examined and inspected into the charges and expences in passing the said in part recited Act of Parliament and the Costs and Charges that has attended the bringing about the same and the Costs and Charges of Surveying and Admeasuring dividing and allotting of the said open Commons common Fields common Meadows and other Commonable Lands and Grounds so intended to be inclosed as aforesaid and of the preparing and Inrolling of this our Award or instrument in Writing and all other Charges and Expences of us the said Commissioners and other necessary Expences in about and concerning the premisses and find that the said Expences amount in the whole to the Sum of Eight Hundred Sixty Three Pounds Seven Shillings and Five Pence half penny Now for the full just regular and proportionable payment of the same We the said Commissioners by virtue and pursuance of the said Act do hereby settle adjust and determine Order direct and appoint that the said Sum of Eight Hundred and Sixty Three Pounds Seven Shillings and Five Pence half penny shall be borne and defrayed by all the proprietors and owners Lands Grounds and Commons in the said Open Commons Common Fields Common Meadows and other commonable Lands and Grounds so appointed to be divided and inclosed as aforesaid and that the same shall be paid on or before the Eighteenth day of June Instant unto Richard Taylor Esquire of the Borough of Warwick in the County of Warwick Gentleman and John Haynes of Upton Haselor aforesaid Gentleman their Executors or Administrators in the several proportions hereinafter mentioned the same being an equal Pound Rate according to the value of the Lands and Grounds so by us the said Commissioners allotted to the said several Proprietors as aforesaid ( that is to say ) the Sum of Two Hundred and Sixty Seven Pounds Fifteen Shillings and Eleven pence Farthing by the said Francis Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick. The Sum of Thirty Five Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Two pence by the said William Spires. The Sum of Thirty Nine Pounds Five Shillings and Eleven pence half penny by the said John Gibbs. The Sum of Forty Four Pounds Twelve Shillings and Sixpence by the said Brook Woodcock. The Sum of Thirty Seven Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Sixpence Farthing by the said Sarah Heming. The Sum of Fifty One Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Ten pence by the said John Heming. The Sum of Thirty Five Pounds Ten Shillings and Sixpence by the said Elizabeth Haynes. The Sum of Two Pounds Ten Shillings and Four pence three farthings by the said Mary Hollis otherwise Melley. The Sum of One Pound Sixteen Shillings and one penny by the said John Baker. The Sum of Five Shillings and Four pence half penny by the said George Nevill Lord Abergavenny. The Sum of Four Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Eleven pence three farthings by the said Robert Bradshaw. The Sum of Fifteen Shillings and Seven pence half penny by the said Lionel Cranfield Sackville Duke of Dorset .The Sum of Eighty Four Pounds Fifteen Shillings and Sixpence by the said John Lane. The Sum of One Hundred and Sixty Five Pounds Twelve Shillings and Seven pence by the said John Haynes. The Sum of Thirty One Pounds Six Shillings and Nine pence by the said Richard Harris. The Sum of Seventeen Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Three pence Farthing by the said Samuel Tidmash. The Sum of Twenty Five Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Four pence Farthing by the said Thomas Cooper and William Phillips. The Sum of Three Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Eight pence Three Farthings by the said William Dark. The Sum of Eight Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Three Farthings by the said Nathaniel Quinton. The Sum of One Pound Thirteen Shillings and Ten pence Farthing by the said Sir Robert Throckmorton. and the Sum of Fifteen Shillings and Three pence Three Farthings by the said James Tallis as Lessee of the said Sir Robert Throckmorton And We do also further Order that the said Richard Taylor and John Haynes do and shall pay and apply the said several Sums when the same shall be so as aforesaid received by them Amounting in the whole the said Sum of Eight Hundred and Sixty Three Pounds Seven Shillings and Five Pence half penny to and for the several intents and purposes and in discharge of the several Costs Charges and Expences hereinbefore mentioned In Witness whereof We the said Commissioners or the Major part of us according to the direction and appointment of the said in part recited Act of Parliament have hereunto set our Hands and Seals the Seventeenth Day of June in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and soforth And in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Seven.
John Whateley
Inrolled according to
the Act of Parliament in that case made and provided the First day of
April in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Eight ~
By me JBeardsley
Sealed and delivered
( being first duly stamp't )
Be it remembered that We Edward Gibbs of Stratford upon Avon in the County of Warwick Esquire Richard Taylor of the Borough of Warwick Gentleman John Whateley of Wootton Park in the Parish of Wootton Wawen in the County of Warwick Gentleman Lewis Bradley of Henley in Arden in the said Parish of Wootton Wawen Gentleman four of the Commissioners Named Authorized and appointed in and by an Act of the present Session of Parliament of the Sixth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and soforth intitled an Act for dividing and Inclosing the Open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds of and in the Manor of Haselor and Walcot and of and in the Manor of Upton Haselor in the Parish of Haselor in the County of Warwick at the first Meeting of us the said Commissioners holden at the Dwelling House of John Whissell known by the Name or Sign of the Angell Inn in Alcester in the County of Warwick on the fifth day of May in the said Sixth Year of his said present Majesty for putting the said Act in Execution We the said Commissioners being then and there present did before we Acted in the Execution of the Powers given us by the said Act severally take and Subscribe the following Oath directed to be taken and Subscribed by us and in and by the said Act Administring the same one of us to the other and every of us speaking for himself as follows
I Edward Gibbs do swear that I will faithfully impartially and honestly according to the best of my Skill and Judgment hear and determine all such Matters and Things as shall be brought before me as a Commissioner by Virtue of an Act for dividing and inclosing the Open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds of and in the Manor of Haselor and Walcot and of and in the Manor of Upton Haselor in the Parish of Haselor in the County of Warwick and join with the other Commissioners in making just and proportionable Allottments thereof to the several Parties interested according to their respective Rights therein and that without Favour or Affection to any of them
Sworn at Alcester
aforesaid this fifth day Edw. Gibbs
I Richard Taylor do swear that I will faithfully impartially and honestly according to the best of my Skill and Judgment hear and determine all such Matters and Things as shall be brought before me as a Commissioner by Virtue of an Act for dividing and inclosing the Open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds of and in the Manor of Haselor and Walcot and of and in the Manor of Upton Haselor in the Parish of Haselor in the County of Warwick and join with the other Commissioners in making just and proportionable Allottments thereof to the several Parties interested according to their respective Rights therein and that without Favour or Affection to any of them
Sworn at Alcester
aforesaid the fifth day Rd. Taylor
I John Whateley do swear that I will faithfully impartially and honestly according to the best of my Skill and Judgment hear and determine all such Matters and Things as shall be brought before me as a Commissioner by Virtue of an Act for dividing and inclosing the Open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds of and in the Manor of Haselor and Walcot and of and in the Manor of Upton Haselor in the Parish of Haselor in the County of Warwick and join with the other Commissioners in making just and proportionable Allottments thereof to the several Parties interested according to their respective Rights therein and that without Favour or Affection to any of them
Sworn at Alcester
aforesaid this fifth day John Whateley
I Lewis Bradley do swear that I will faithfully impartially and honestly according to the best of my Skill and Judgment hear and determine all such Matters and Things as shall be brought before me as a Commissioner by Virtue of an Act for dividing and inclosing the Open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds of and in the Manor of Haselor and Walcot and of and in the Manor of Upton Haselor in the Parish of Haselor in the County of Warwick and join with the other Commissioners in making just and proportionable Allottments thereof to the several Parties interested according to their respective Rights therein and that without Favour or Affection to any of them
Sworn at Alcester
aforesaid the fifth day Lewis Bradley
Administered taken
and subscribed by the said Commissioners Edward Gibbs Richard Taylor John
Whateley and Lewis Bradley as above appears at the Angell Inn in Alcester
aforesaid the said fifth day of May One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty
Six in the presence of us
I Joseph Crump do swear that I will faithfully impartially and honestly according to the best of my Skill and Judgment hear and determine all such Matters and Things as shall be brought before me as a Commissioner by Virtue of an Act for dividing and inclosing the Open Commons common Fields common Meadows and commonable Lands and Grounds of and in the Manor of Haselor and Walcot and of and in the Manor of Upton Haselor in the Parish of Haselor in the County of Warwick and join with the other Commissioners in making just and proportionable Allottments thereof to the several Parties interested according to their respective Rights therein and that without Favour or Affection to any of them
Sworn at Upton
Haselor aforesaid the Fifteenth Joseph Crump
Administered taken
and subscribed by the said Joseph Crump the said Fifteenth day of May 1766
in the presence of us
Be it Remembered that there was a small piece of Land where a Cottage Stood at the South end of Upton Haselor Street Containing by Statue Measure Two Perches and half which piece of Land belongs to Sir Robert Throckmorton Baronet and lately Tennanted by Robert Bradshaw.
Footnote I have made a few alterations, because of obvious mistakes, from a copy of the Haselor Enclosure Awards which has been kept in Haselor Church since 1767. |
John Finnemore, Walcote Farm, Walcote, Haselor, Alcester, Warwickshire. B49 6LY. | |