St. Mary and All Saints, Haselor



Stone cross grave, in the right foreground, is the grave of John Heath Sykes, Margaret Sykes and Mary Seymour Patterson-Morgan






Stone cross & kerbstone surround


In loving and honoured memory of John Heath SYKES, B.A. Oxon. Vicar of this Parish from 1867–1912. He entered into life, March 26 1912, aged 78 years. Also of his devoted wife, Frances Amelia, who followed him, Nov 27 1919, aged 80 years. The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them. Wisdom. III. I.

Here lie the ashes of Margaret SYKES, born July 1st 1880. Entered into rest, September 9th 1958.
Here rest the ashes of Mary Seymour PATERSON-MORGAN, (née SYKES), born May 14. 1879, called to higher service, June 22. 1957.




Plaque near the altar



To the Glory of God and the most loving memory of John Heath SYKES, B . A . Oxon. Born April 22nd 1834. Died March 26th 1912. Vicar of this Parish from 1867 to 1912: this church was restored and the Vicarage built during his Incumbency. His devoted wife and children placed this tablet here in sure and certain hope of Resurrection to eternal life through the Lord Jesus Christ. Si monumentum quaeris circumspice.






Erected March 21st 1914, by the Parishioners of Haselor, in affectionate remembrance of the Revd John Heath SYKES, who was the Faithfull (sic) Vicar of this Parish for 45 years. 1867 : 1912.

